Best Places to Hide a Spy Camera

Are you wanted to spy on someone but didn’t want to go through the hassle of setting up a complex system? But now it’s not fear anymore! There are several Best Places to Hide a Spy Camera that are easy and useful. In this article, we discussed this topic and what are the best places for hiding the spy camera.

What is a Spy Camera?

Best Places to Hide a Spy Camera

A spy camera is a device that is having the capacity of capturing videos of a location without the subject’s knowledge. Spy cameras are mostly used for inspection purposes.

Spy cameras can be either wired or wireless. Some spy cameras are designed for a certain purpose or for a certain environment. But some spy cameras can be used for all types of environments.

 These are helpful in safety, protection, and investigation. If these cannot be used properly, then it can cause a violation. A wired spy camera is connected with a storage device where the recording can be stored.

Best Places to hide a Spy Camera in a Home

Best Places to hide a Spy Camera in a Home

Hiding the spy camera in the home is there are many options. You can select the best spot in the home that is hidden but still allows you to get a good view, or also you can select a good location where it is less likely to be discovered. Here we suggest some best places or spots where you can hide a spy camera:

  • In a book: Hiding the camera in the book is the best option. Simply, choose a thick book and make a hole enough in which camera lens to be fitted and record a view of an environment which you want to record.
  • In a clock: Hiding the camera in a clock is the best place where you can get a view of the room in which you are present. Just make sure about that to choose one that doesn’t stick too loudly.
  • In a plant: A fake plant that is used for the decoration of the home is the best place to hide the camera. Just make sure that your lens or fitted camera is not noticeable.

Best places to Hide a Spy Camera in an Office

If you are looking for the best places to hide the spy camera in an office, for this you need to take these points in your mind before hiding the camera. First, for hiding the camera took a position where the environment view can be captured easily but it is out of the way enough that it’s not obvious. And took the position which won’t be disturbed. Here are some suggested places related to hiding the camera.

  • Top of bookshelf: If you have a bookshelf in your office room then you can easily hide the camera at the top of the bookshelf and get an easy and clear view of the environment which shoot or recording you want to take.
  • In a potted plant: Just like hiding the camera in the home in a fake plant is the best place as there in the office also hiding the camera in a decorated piece or in any fake plant is the best way or also a type of way which should not be more noticeable.
  • In a picture plant: Hiding the camera in a frame of the picture is the best way to get a view of the room in the office. Just make sure that this place should not noticeable.

See also How to Hide a Camera in a Tissue Box?

Hiding a Spy Camera Outdoors

Are you thinking about recording something outdoors using the hidden camera? There are many places available for hiding the camera outdoors you can set the camera in a garden or on the porch. Here there are some suggested locations discussed by using these you can hide the camera outdoors.

  • In a tree: If you are having a tree in your yard, then you can use this location for hiding the camera. This location will be out of sight but can get easy reach.
  • In a birdhouse: A small spy camera can be hidden by using the birdhouse which is present in your yard. It is the best way to record without knowing anyone.

Choosing the right Spy Camera

Best Places to Hide a Spy Camera

Now you get the knowledge about Best Places to Hide a Spy Camera. Now it’s time to discuss the tips which are helpful for choosing the right spy camera.

  • Size of the camera: You’ll need a small camera for the hiding purpose. When you are choosing the camera then make sure that the size of the camera is small enough to be hidden but still, it can get the best view.
  • Type of camera: There are two main types of spy cameras wireless and wired cameras. Although a wired camera can give the best view wireless camera is the best option to be installed or for using the best view.
  • Recording quality: For choosing the Spy camera take in mind that choosing that camera which offers HD quality videos. 

Installing a Hidden Spy Camera

Best Places to Hide a Spy Camera

Now you take a step in which you know the Best Places to Hide a Spy Camera and about choosing the right camera. Now, it’s time to install the hidden Spy camera in an effective way.

  • Choose a spot that should not be noticeable but get a good view.
  • Make sure that the Camera is well-hidden.
  • Before setting make sure that your camera working properly.
  • Read the instructions before installing the Spy Camera.
  • Following these steps, you can be sure that your hidden camera can be installed safely and effectively.


There is a number of Best Places to Hide a Spy Camera, both outdoors or in. Just make sure that the spot is the best where you set up the camera for the recording. And make sure that you read the instructions for installation carefully. Hope so, this article gives you the best thinking about Best Places to Hide a Spy Camera.

See also How do I reset my Trail Camera?

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